

Industry Meets Metaverse

HQxpress has limitless creative potential and international scalability. The project serves an obvious need in the current supply chain and real estate market. It is at the absolute forefront of innovation in a multi trillion dollar industry. And it leverages the liquidity and universality of the crypto and NFT markets.


What is HQxpress?

HQxpress plans to be an Ethereum based defi project that blends real world property with metaverse powered AR, VR, and mixed reality. The company will utilizes both fungible and non-fungible tokens to operate and optimize industrial and commercial flex space to achieve highest and best use. HQxpress will operate out of its 250,000 square foot prototype facility located at 317 East Penn Avenue in Robesonia, PA.


Future Projects

Coming Soon… HQxpress expands into Web3 applications with the CUBE token, NFTs and more.



As the HQxpress platform expands token holders will see growth through the market demand for the CUBED tokens. Additionally, CUBED holders can participate in their own success by locating buildings and or owners who are looking for additional sources of revenue.



HQxpress headquarters is geolocated under corresponding project Overland’s hex NFTs. These OVR NFT assets will be used to develop onsite metaverse, AR, VR, and mixed reality technologies that will enhance business operations and functions. Additionally our own metaverse project, NFTs, and tokens will power the operations and enhance the functionality of the flex space. This connectivity allows the facility, classes, and projects to be accessible remotely and geolocated.



The CUBED tokens are representative of cubic square feet, and can be traded, paired, or used in conjunction with NFTs to earn rewards for utilized space. The same function of pairing can reserve and secure needed flex space for direct customer use without the need for costly and encumbering lease agreements.

Total Supply

1,000,000,000,000 CUBED

Supply Dynamics

9 Decimals

Contract Address



How to Buy

Active World Club Exchange is a decentralized crypto exchange where Active World Club members can trade the top tier coins and tokens as well as the full suite of AWC tokens.

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